IPCH Session 3 with OPSC


Join the experts from Oregon Patient Safety Commission (OPSC) for 1 hour of IPCH on Thursday, October 20 at 11:00 AM. Valerie Harmon, Executive Director, Beth Kaye, Early Discussion and Resolution Program Director, and Suzanne Wood, Patient Safety Systems Analyst will lead a conversation on Building for the Future: A Proactive Systems-Based Approach is Needed....

OASCA’s Annual Member Update: 2022 Review + 2023 Preview


Join Chris Skagen, Executive Director, OASCA, Doug Riggs, Lobbyist, Northwest Policy Advocates, and Mallory Sussman, Membership Director, OASCA, discussing the accomplishments of 2022 and the priorities of 2023 including the Surgical Technology Apprenticeship Bill and program, OASCA's 2023 events and continuing education opportunities, and ways to get involved in leadership for OASCA, OASCAPAC,  HealthSTAR, or...